haiku #117
fish out of water
art shot from the bow of gods
we rise above self
—kalamu ya salaam
haiku #117
fish out of water
art shot from the bow of gods
we rise above self
—kalamu ya salaam
haiku #133
no heart can be whole
til it's been broke, mended &
then re-used again
—kalamu ya salaam
haiku #83
pierced by hurt honed sharp
as a stiletto you painted
yourself indigo
—kalamu ya salaam
haiku #82
in twisted silence
we bandage dreams battered by
exposure to life
—kalamu ya salaam
haiku #54
mandela's teeth cracked
captivity's bones & sucked
resistance marrow
—kalamu ya salaam
haiku #63
power for control
is tyranny, the power
to create is life
—kalamu ya salaam
haiku #95
sky blushes rose streaks
on its dark cheeked horizon
naked sun rises
—kalamu ya salaam
haiku #53
in the mirror is
me, inside my skin someone
new, whom do i trust
—kalamu ya salaam
haiku #205
seeing the beauty
of the world depends on how
we've been taught to look
—kalamu ya salaam
haiku #74
death's chilly eyes stare
at us, we jazz dance our lives
& shout back "so what!"
—kalamu ya salaam