/for Ken Devine paraphrasing Jefferson Airplane
why would anybody want to be a picture/a snapshot
of random confusion masquerading
as a 20th century american citizen
a guest on montel explaining why, contrary to most
males, you masturbate with your left hand
we americans watch television more than
we watch trees or observe the leaves
shaking in the breeze, it would be hip
to live life like in a movie is what
some of us actually believe/but dig
life is not something you watch
from a sitting position with chips & a beer lite
life, like music, is a great goodness
you birth, be godlike & create
some one once asked me "what do you do for a living?"
"for a living?" i said "hmmmm, well i
dream, write
make love
create, dream, make love
every chance i get
work, dream
make love, help others do the same
that's what i do: work, dream
make love
to live is to dream, to work
to make..."
you get the picture?
after all life is too hard not to live
once given the opportunity
plus when you step into tomorrow & dance
before ra's arkestra within the purview
of eternity, & your steps are cross-examined, an inquisitor
is going to hold up what you did & ask you did you do that
& ask you what good is your life to a tree/cause you know
trees are some hip, hip creatures & their wellbeing
is the ultimate measure of our passing thru
& you better be prepared to answer something besides
some shit like "well, i'll be some good ass
fertilizer now that i'm dead..."