photo by Alex Lear



A Poem The Whole World Can Understand



economic exploitation is a universal

condition of the 20th century, there is no world

untouched by multinationals, nor any mind unexposed

to the lure of mass produced glitzy designer consumables

what I mean is nearly everybody in the world has caught the wave

and tasted coke or at least wanted to / is this really a well

crafted poem?


it doesn’t matter, what matters is how well we get on with

helping each other deal with the aftermaths and legacies of

colonialism, those unavoidable struggles must and will be

the subject matter of world literature, the necessary priority

of millions of us, millions of us, no matter how unpoetic this

prophesy might sound next to Shakespeare, what do

we do with the world after white people have conquered? How do

we cope with human and environmental disasters? That is

the question all our literature must in one way or another

strive to answer


assuming we have time

and they do not drop the bomb, the

strategies and dramatic movements of people

of color will be the stuff of short stories, novels,

poems, critical essays and feature length cinema, say what you

will, agree with it or not, the future is not white and this

poem, like it or not, is a statement the whole world can



 —kalamu ya salaam